Jena Petrie
author : Jena PetrieJena Petrie is a New Zealander who writes contemporary, heart-warming romance books like Gold Medal Hero, the first in her Hero series. Fuelled by chocolate, regardless of how it comes—drinks, bars, cookies or brownies, and interspersed with the slightly healthier alternative of mochas to ease her guilt— Jena works most mornings on her writing. \nHaving lived in several different places in both the North and South Islands of New Zealand, Jena has set her stories in a variety of locations around the country.\nWhen she isn't at home in front of her computer developing her latest story, Jena can usually be found tending to her flower garden, or enjoying a ride on the back of her husband's motor-bike as they explore some of New Zealand's rural areas.\nThis is Jena's first published book. Over the past few years she has completed several university papers on creative writing, taken numerous on-line courses on fiction writing and developing stories, and attended many Romance Writers of New Zealand conferences, all aimed at improving her writing skills to bring you, her readers, the most captivating, enjoyable, satisfying stories possible.\nJena View more >>